Germanotesla Files

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Here you will find extensive in-depth articles, notes, archival footage and excellent pictures. It also includes period newspaper and magazine articles on Tesla's life and work.

The details..

"Nikola Tesla and Viktor Schauberger: The Master Index to the website" is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in learning about two of history's most brilliant minds. This book offers an in-depth analysis of Nikola Tesla's inventions with emphasis on his "Magnifying Transmitter," which was designed to offer wireless transmission of electrical energy anywhere around the world. Additionally, it covers Viktor Schauberger's theories that incorporate nature into technology design.

This book contains extensive research material including notes from experts who have studied these inventors' works extensively. Readers will find valuable resources such as archival footage along with excellent pictures that help bring both men's lives and work alive through time periods covered by newspapers or magazines at length during those days when they were active innovators.

In addition to covering Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter invention in detail this book also explores other fascinating topics like Bladeless Disk Technology used today based upon original designs created nearly a century ago by both inventors working together; applications descriptions details each engine system presented reader potential investor alike can learn more about them here!

Finally readers are introduced to Victor Shauberger whose innate understanding water power led him develop new ways harnessing its immense energies contained within living waters themselves - something many people still underestimate even now despite recent resurgence interest looking back over last century.

Resource Info

Page count: 775
Size: 7238kb
File Type: pdf


Environment Setting
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Survival Skills
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